Wednesday, October 22, 2008


did you know tyler is the rose capital of the world?

this time of year you can buy them by the dozens off most street corners in town. they come wrapped in newspapers, & you do have to watch the thorns. the best part is that they have THE most amazing smell. i'm talking about the kind of scent you catch just walking by. and the dreamy colors...

this is the stuff of childhood memories for me.

2 tyler roses themselves came into town tuesday and brought these to me! thanks margaret & mere :)

**if you haven't read about the trunk show in the rose capital yet, scroll down to see my good news!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


okay, i have THE most exciting news to share! it's soooo exciting, it makes my heart flitter & those stomach butterflies start their fluttering dance!

okay, breathe in & breathe out...

i'm having a TRUNK SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes!!! i'm so thrilled to tell you! it's going to be @ Snug as a Bug in Tyler the first week of december. oh my gosh! can you believe it??!

my mind is TOTALLY racing a million miles an hour with so many thoughts & ideas - aaahhhhhhh! last night i had a hard time sleeping because i was just thinking of all of the possiblities!

oh my, oh my, oh my! i'm so excited i can hardly stand it! i'll keep you filled in on all of the details & please DO plan to come if you can at all swing it :)

i'm off to dream...!!!
(*picture courtesy of

Thursday, October 16, 2008

organization 101

today i spent hours washing & nicely folding all of my new fabric. ahhhh. what a beautiful stack. it makes me so happy just to look @ this picture :)

the only problem is that THIS is what the rest of my fabric looks like...


and these lovelies are in a basket on the floor...

ahhh! so i've spent this evening refolding & organizing & trying to make some sort of sense out of my studio. it's not finished, but i'm already feeling so much better. nothing like spring cleaning in october!